
We are excited to announce our BETA launch!

The MIJL is open to serve the Jewish and non-Jewish communities with something of interest to all. 

So many exciting things will come over the coming weeks and months.

We look forward to opening our borrowing system soon!

In the interim, please browse our ever-growing collection (more books are uploaded daily).

We dedicate the Library opening in honor of 120 years since the Rebbe's birth. 


Sun - Fri By Appointment
Appointment Portal Coming


9010 SE 40th St. Mercer Island, WA 98040

Click Here for a list of available titles 

How Can You Help

Check Out Our Wish List (will be available soon) 

Donating Books - any books with Jewish content in any language will be a good addition to our collection.

Make a Donation Here

New Program

Start Your Own Home Library - Coming Soon